Using candles can create a beautiful and romantic ambiance at events and weddings. However, candle wax can easily drip onto rented table linens, causing stains and potential damage fees.
Here are some effective strategies to help protect your linens from candle wax:

1. Use Dripless Candles
Dripless candles are designed to minimize wax drips.
2. Choose the Right Candle Holders
Hurricane Candle Sleeves: These glass enclosures protect the flame from drafts and contain any dripping wax. We recommend purchase clear acrylic discs to be placed at the bottom of hurricane candle sleeves to catch any dripping wax. These discs are virtually invisible and can be easily cleaned and reused.
Candelabras with Bobeches: These candle holders often come with bobeches (small cups) that catch any drips.
3. Proper Candle Placement
Avoid Overcrowding:
Ensure there is enough space between candles and other decorative elements.
Stable Surfaces: Place candles on flat, stable surfaces to prevent tipping.
4. Safe Candle Extinguishing Techniques
When extinguishing candles, it's important to do so in a way that minimizes the risk of wax splattering:
Snuffers: Use a candle snuffer to extinguish the flame without blowing, which reduces the chance of wax splattering.
Gentle Blow: If a snuffer is not available, gently blow out the candle from the side and not directly on top to avoid blowing wax everywhere.
Cool Down Period: Allow candles to cool for at least 10-15 minutes before moving them. This gives the wax time to solidify and prevents spills.
5. Work with an Experienced Professional Florist or Coordinator
Experienced professional florists or coordinator can help ensure that candles are placed in a way that minimizes the risk of wax drips.
Special Occasions Candle Policy: If candles are being used on top of any Special Occasions products, it is required that the candle have an appropriate catch tray placed under the candle. You may not place candles directly on fabric. If rental items are returned with wax on them, Special Occasions will invoice the client for the additional processing time and supplies to remove the wax, or, for a full replacement of the item if it creates permanent damage.
Here is the one thing to NEVER do should a wax spill happen:
If wax spills, allow it to dry and leave it. Never try to pick the wax off the linen, as it rips the tiny fabric fibers off the fabric, often leaving permant damage. Simply return the linen and our team will use special formulas and techniques to remove any spilled wax.